Meet your GP Surgery Team

Advance Nurse Practitioner: qualified nurses to assess patients using their clinical knowledge and expertise to diagnose, prescribe and refer patients to a specialist.

Physician Associate: medically trained to work alongside GPs to provide assessment and develop a management plan for patients with conditions including chronic disease. They also assist with care planning and disease prevention.

Pharmacist: healthcare professional helping patients with medication related issues, medication reviews and medications prescribed for chronic disease management.

Physiotherapist: qualified clinician to help assess joint pain, muscle injuries , help patients manage appropriate exercises, manage pain and arrange referral to musculoskeletal team.

Social prescriber: healthcare link worker who is able to help with the non- clinical needs of patients including support with finances, support with food, social Isolation and loneliness, staying active at home, mental health support and long-term conditions.

Health Care Assistant (HCA):  provides support for the nursing team by taking blood test samples, blood pressure checks, health checks, health promotion and prevention, injections and vaccinations, refer patients for lifestyle programme including smoking cessation.

Paramedic: To help with triage and management of minor illnesses, and provide continuity for patients with complex health needs. To carry out assessments and manage requests for same-day urgent home visits, as well as regular visits to housebound patients with long -term conditions.


Dr Ram Loomba (m)

MB BCh 1991 National University of Ireland

GMC reference no: 3622722

Dr Jason Merry (m)

MB BS 1994 University of London

GMC reference no: 4106931

Dr Kausar Masood (f)

MB BS 1998 Aligarh Muslim University

GMC reference no: 6095349

Dr Suzanne Heffernan (f)

MB BCh 1981 National University of Ireland

GMC reference no: 3123302

Dr Jagdeep Sandhu (f)

MB BS 2011 University of London

GMC reference no: 7134675

Dr Mahamadu Sumani (m)

Tip Doktoru 2003 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi

GMC reference no: 6086326

Dr Bharte Bagga

MB BS 2006 University of London

GMC reference no: 6143186

Nursing Team

Nurse Alexia De Castro Marlton (f)

Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Independent Prescriber & Practice Nurse

Sharon Mackenzie

Diabetic Specialist Nurse

Offering appointment by telephone

Sister Catherine Dell Tasker (f)

Advanced Nurse Practitioner & Independent Prescriber

Guljeet Chopra

Nurse Practitioner

Israh Ibrahim (f)

Health Care Assistant  

Rose Ramba (f)

Health Care Assistant  

Besarda Neziri (f)

Health Care Assistant

Pharmacy team

Shaf Choudhry

Senior Clinical Pharmacist

Zohal Samim

Pharmacy Technician

Practice Team

Maria Power (f)

Practice Manager

Gilly Bevan (f)

Assistant Practice Manager and Practice Secretary

Simone Silva

Operations Manager


Senior Receptionist









Philip Crosdale

Senior Administrator



Diana Bilinska


Other Healthcare Professionals

We now have a wider multi-skilled team of healthcare professionals who work alongside the doctors and nurses providing medical care at Thornbury Road Centre for Health.

Some of these healthcare professionals are based at Thornbury Road Centre for Health and others will be based across our primary care network:

Stephen Kibirango

Practice Physician’s Associate

Nadia Butt

Practice Physician’s Associate

Cassandra Lemon

PCN Paramedic Practitioner

Eshan Karumdin Mahmad

PCN Mental Health Practitioner

Michael Primett

PCN First Contact Physiotherapist

Chetan Patel

PCN First Contact Physiotherapist